Cultivating high-performance teams for lasting success

Software Quality & Security

Developer Experience & Productivity

Software Leadership Coaching

Fractional Leadership

Engineering leadership that stands the test of time

Sustainable growth requires new ways of working

Understand how to reorganize or retool to keep your engineering teams working well so you can fuel the next level of business growth.

Stabilize the core so you can innovate at the edge

Enable your teams to focus more energy on delivering new value and create space for innovation by automating and standardizing the core of your systems.

Empower your team by removing barriers and friction

Evaluate what’s in your teams’ way and help empower them to remove barriers to success. Whether it is quality, technical debt, process inefficiencies, or communication, your teams’ frustrations are your business friction.

Build resilient teams that thrive in changing environments

The only constant is change. Help your teams and your business become more resilient and adaptable to the continuous pace of change.

Every engagement is built on the foundation of these 4 principles of success, developed over 20+ years as an engineering leader

  • Build a culture of trust and team autonomy

  • Drive clarity of vision and business priorities

  • Understand what you’re delivering and who you’re serving

  • Create a continuous improvement culture